Rugen Park
Rugen Park
Glenview, IL 60025
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rugen park fieldhouse rental
Rugen Park offers a rustic field house rental option of up to 30 people.
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Three full-size tennis courts.
Rugen Park features a full-size basketball court.
The park has three pickleball courts, which are dual-lined on the tennis courts and available for drop-in play. New in 2023! You can now make reservations at four of the dedicated courts located at Flick Park using the CourtReserve app.
Dogs kept on leashes are permitted.
Rustic fieldhouse that can be rented to accommodate up to 30 people.
Comfortable picnic area for up to 30 people.
Located in Southwest Glenview, Rugen Park has a lot of amenities for families and outdoor activists to enjoy during warmer months.
In April of 1958, a bond issue of $450,000 was approved, making possible the acquisition and partial development of the 6 acre Edwin Rugen Park. The park was named after Edwin Rugen, one of the original park board commissioners of the Glenview Park District,
In March of 1962, a bond issue of $685,000 was approved for purposes of park development. During 1962 and 1963, a portion of these funds made possible the addition of a field house (1962) and other improvements at Rugen Park.
In 1970, a general obligation bond issue of $214,000 was passed which paid for general security lighting of Rugen Park.
In December 1975, the voters of the District approved a general obligation bond issue in the amount of $450,000. Among the projects financed by this bond was the construction of three tennis courts at Rugen Park.
In 2013, renovations to the field house at Rugen Park included energy efficient lighting, ADA accessibility, new insulation, bathroom upgrades, kitchen cabinets and appliances.