Event Calendar
January 2025



February 1

Winterfest 2025

Celebrate all things winter at Winterfest at the Glenview Community Ice Center. Watch triple-header hockey games between Glenbrook South Titan Hockey Club and Loyola Academy Hockey Club and see the Glenview Stars Hockey Association take on the Honeybaked Hockey Club. Enjoy a figure skating exhibition. Check out the Ice Center’s Ice Bumper Cars and participate in afternoon family public sessions or an evening glow stick public session. Enjoy food and drink at North Branch, and much more!  All proceeds benefit the Glenview Park Foundation.

more info
Sponsored by:

Glenview Bank & Trust logo

Glenview Stars Hockey logoGlenbrook South Hockey logo


February 7

Kids Night Out Valentine Friends (ages 4-6)

February is the best time of year to celebrate love and friendship together! Kids, ages 4-6, will enjoy a special night out with pizza, Valentine’s themed movie, games, making Valentine’s Day cards and decorating heart-shaped crafts. Park Center Room 121.

Sign up online before February 5!

Fee (R/NR): $37/$46.


February 11

1920s Film- Speedy

Join us for a night of popcorn, laughs and tons of fun watching the 1928 original silent movie comedy – Speedy. The Farm will provide the popcorn along with an educational commentary before the film begins. The fee is $4 per person. Sign up in advance online or pay at the door.  See you at the Farm!


February 15

Winter Restoration Work Days at Fuller Air Station Prairie

Assist in the restoration efforts at Kent Fuller Air Station Prairie by helping with a variety of restoration activities such as removing non-native invasive plants or collecting seed. Bring work gloves if you have them. For families and individuals Ages 8+. Volunteers under 15 must participate with an adult. Volunteers under 18 must have a waiver signed by a parent or guardian. To receive an application/ waiver in advance please contact grove.volunteers@glenviewparks.org. Work days may be cancelled due to inclement weather

NEW! Dial M-O-O for Murder

Experience the Farm’s first murder mystery for ages 14+! Spend your Saturday night enjoying hors d’oeuvres and mocktails as you play detective to solve the mystery. Imagine it’s the 1920’s and the good times are rolling at the Farm as Thomas Wagner and his closest supporters celebrate his re-election as Northfield Township Commissioner – that is until things take a turn for the MOO-Cabre and a dead body is found! Is there a murderer among the party guests?

Did the cows have a HOOF in it?

Sign up online before February 14!


February 16


Free! Feel Good and Move!
The Park District is here to support getting our community moving in our beautiful parks and our facilities! Complete your passport for a chance to win awesome prizes!

Spend time at The Grove watching birds! Learn to identify our fine feathered friends, count them, and submit our findings to GBBC to help scientists better understand and protect birds all around the world.

Download your passport


February 20

Park Center Preschool Open House

Stop by to meet the teachers, tour the classrooms and get all of your questions answered. There will be waitlist forms available. Park Center Preschool and Childcare, ages 2-5, is offered year-round – Mondays through Fridays, 7 a.m.-6 p.m.

For more information, email Preschool Director, Amanda Giacomino at Amanda.Giacomino@glenviewparks.org or call 224-521-2550.


February 21

Royal Ball

The MAGIC is YOU! Come to our magical “Casa” for a night of music, dancing and refreshments in Park Center’s beautiful Lakeview Room! The event is for ages 4-12 and children must be accompanied by an adult. The per person resident fee is $50; $62 for nonresidents. Advance registration is required. Please register each date and guest separately.


February 22

Glenview Resident Open House

Representatives from the Village of Glenview, Glenview Park District, Glenview Public Library, Glenview Chamber of Commerce, Northfield Township, Cook County, Endeavor Health, mental health services and other community organizations will be available at this free event!

Plenty of activities:

  • Meet a police officer, firefighter and 9-1-1 telecommunicator
  • Meet Village trustees
  • Blood pressure checks
  • Crafts and balloon animals for kids
  • Get your library card

Complimentary refreshments will be provided.

Sponsored by:
Village of Glenview & Glenview Park District

Coordinated by:
Glenview Communicators