Policies and Rules

Our aim to keep our patrons, our parks and our facilities safe and secure at all times. 

The park district code of conduct establishes behavioral guidelines for all individuals while participating, attending, spectating, working or volunteering in Park District programs, events, or activities or who are on Glenview Park District owned or leased property and the actions, which may be taken to enforce this code of conduct. Click here to view the code of conduct policy.

When signing up or registering for a program or activity within the park district, you will be expressly assuming the risk and legal liability and waiving and releasing all claims for injuries, damages or loss which you or your minor child/ward might sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with and associated with the program/activity (including transportation services/vehicle operation, when provided). You recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury to participants in the program/activity, and you voluntarily agree to assume the full risk of any and all injuries, damages or loss, regardless of severity, that your minor child/ward or you may sustain as a result of said participation. You further agree to waive and relinquish all claims you or your minor child/ward may have (or accrue to you or your child/ward) as a result of participating in a program/activity against the Glenview Park District, including its officials, agents, volunteers and employees (hereinafter collectively referred as “Glenview Park District”). You fully release and forever discharge the Glenview Park District from any and all claims for injuries, damages, or loss that your minor child/ward or you may have or which may accrue to you or your minor child/ward and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with the program/activity. You understand that photos and videos are periodically taken of people participating in Glenview Park District programs and activities and  agree that any photograph or videotape taken by the park district of you or your minor child/ward while participating in a park district program or activity may be used by the park district for promotional purposes including its electronic media, videotapes, brochures, flyers and other publications without additional prior notice, permission or compensation to the participant.

Please respect the rights and properties of neighbors living in the parks! A few reminders.

  • Use the sidewalks and pathways when walking to parks. Cutting through private yards is not appropriate
  • Trash should be discarded into trash cans in the parks. When trash is not put into cans, it often blows into a neighboring yard.
  • Please observe the curfew of the parks
  • Parks are generally open for play at dawn
  • Parks generally close for the night at sunset
  • Be a good neighbor by helping to prevent crime and vandalism to playground and play equipment and alleviate suspicious activities in parks.
  • For emergencies, contact 911
  • For non-emergency suspicious activity, call 847 729 5000
  • To report vandalism, call 847 657 3215

  1. Local School Closings – Whenever School District 34 cancels school due to weather conditions, all Park Center Preschool classes and all classes or programs held at a school site will also be cancelled. A decision on whether to cancel classes at all other park district facilities will be made on a case by case basis. Park district facilities themselves shall remain open for non-scheduled activities (e.g. fitness and tennis club use, public skating, museum visits, etc.) unless specifically directed to close due to weather conditions.
  2. Facility Specific-Conditions – In the event that conditions arise at a specific facility (e.g., high winds, power outages, equipment malfunctions, flooding) which may endanger patrons or employees or interfere with the district’s ability to deliver its promised services or activities at that facility, classes may be cancelled or the facility temporarily closed until such condition has been resolved.
  3. Strike Guard – The STRIKE GUARD lightning detection system is designed to detect lightning in a local area if cloud to cloud, or cloud to ground, lightning strikes. Its advance warning system allows decisions regarding dangerous situations to be proactive, not reactive. Even though the Strike Guard System helps assess potentially dangerous conditions, neither the signal nor the system is intended to guarantee that conditions are safe. Participants using outdoor facilities should take appropriate shelter when the warning signals are activated. If the weather is threatening but no warning signal is heard or seen, use good judgment and clear the area. Do not wait for the warning signal to activate.
    • Warning Signal to Suspend Activities: One 15-second blast of the horn signals that outside activities should be suspended (if equipped, a strobe light will begin flashing and remain flashing until safe conditions return). You should immediately seek an appropriate safe shelter.
    • Notice that Activities May Resume: Three 5-second blasts of the horn signals that outdoor activities may resume (the strobe light, if equipped, will also stop flashing).

Strike Guard systems are activated each year from March – November during the outdoor athletic season. During that time, the systems are tested on the first Tuesday of every month between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. The system will cover the following areas.

Zone A: Flick Outdoor Pool, Flick Shelter Building, Community Park West, Crowley Park, Glenview Park Golf Club, The Grove, Westbrook School

ZONE B: Park Center, Gallery Park, Glenview Prairie Club, Roosevelt Outdoor Pool, Swenson Park, Glenview Tennis Club/Cole Park, Johns Park, Willow Park

The Glenview Park District will make every attempt to communicate any closing or cancellation via the park district website and the park district Rainout Hotline Service, the website glenviewparks.org, the park district Cancellation Hotline 847 724 3337 as well as the metropolitan Chicago Emergency Closing Center.

Active military personnel and their spouse and children under age 21, reservists and veterans receive a 20% discount on applicable registration fee (resident and non-resident) for any recreation program (except Senior Center) and a 10% discount on memberships or daily admission fees, where applicable at the District’s golf, tennis, ice, paddle tennis, fitness and pool facilities.

The District’s standard residency requirements apply in order for the discount to be applied to the resident registration or membership fee; otherwise for eligible non-residents, the discount would be applied to the non-resident registration fee or membership rate.

NOTE: Family members of reservists or veterans are not eligible for the military discount.

This Ordinance regulates the use of the parks and property owned or controlled by the Glenview Park District.

The Glenview Park District has established an Anti-Idling policy to protect public health, improve the environment, and reduce fuel consumption. Exhaust from vehicles contain a variety of pollutants, and the Park District can play an important role in improving air quality by limiting the amount of time engines are allowed to idle. Also, vehicle idling gets zero miles per gallon, so the anti-idling program conserves fuel. Patrons waiting in “pick-up” areas at the facilities and drivers of Park District vehicles operating in the parks should turn off their engines if they will be sitting for more than 30 seconds. The facilities will encourage patrons to not idle through the use of signage.

Character Counts in Glenview and the park district is a proud supporter of this program. To learn more about the Character Counts program, click here.

Participants, coaches and observers are expected to exhibit behavior in keeping with the Character Counts program. The following guidelines have been developed to make park district programs safe and enjoyable for everyone.

  • Show respect to all participants, coaches, referees, observers and staff
  • The use of foul language or inappropriate comments are not allowed
  • Show respect for equipment, supplies and facilities
  • Refrain from threatening or causing bodily harm to others
  • Comply with all other posted or published rules and guidelines

The Glenview Park District owns, operates, manages and controls numerous buildings and facilities for use of the general public. Within these buildings, there exist certain “Protected Areas” where patrons have a reasonable expectation of privacy. These “Protected Areas” include restrooms, locker rooms, lavatories, bathrooms, shower facilities, and dressing rooms. To safeguard the privacy of patrons in these areas, the Park District has established a policy which prohibits the use of any still or video camera, recording device, cell phone or other device capable of recording, producing, duplicating, reproducing, storing, copying, transmitting or displaying any visual, video, photographic, electronic, digital, recorded, or other visual image, picture, or representation within such “Protected Areas.”

The Glenview Park District is one of thirteen partner agencies that support the Northern Suburban Special Recreation Association (NSSRA), which provides and facilitates year-round recreation programs and services for children, teens, and adults with disabilities. NSSRA offers recreation, sport, cultural and social programs and events available throughout the year, creating new experiences, opportunities for skill development, and leisure time. See more. 

The Glenview Park District is pleased to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which prohibits discrimination in the provision of services, programs, or facilities to individuals with disabilities. The Glenview Park District is currently working to better serve individuals with disabilities through facility accessibility, program inclusion and communication devices. Read more about the Glenview Park District’s Accessibility Transition here.

If you would like more information or you wish to voice a concern, please contact our office at 847 657 3215.

The park district reserves the right to dismiss a participant or exclude persons from future use or access to facilities for failure to comply with this code.

Glenview Park District Ordinance No. 2018-11 allows leashed dogs to be walked on paved pathways and parking lots at Cole, Community Park West, Countryside, Cunliff, Diederich, Flick, Gallery, Hawthorne Glen, Indian Ridge, Indian Trail, Jackman, Jennings, Judy Beck, Ladendorf, Manor, Peninsula Playground, Roosevelt, Rugen, Sleepy Hollow, Swenson, Tall Trees and Thomas J. Richardson Parks. Dog walking is still prohibited on sports fields, playground areas, tennis courts, tot lots, basketball courts and all other park areas. No dogs are allowed onsite at Historic Wagner Farm with the exception of trained service animals. Emotional support animals and pets are not permitted at Historic Wagner Farm. The park district has a six-acre dedicated dog park, Community Bark West, which is located at 1001 Zenith Dr. in western Glenview. Dogs are also not permitted in side Park Center with the exception of service animals.

Click here for our drone policy.

The Glenview Park District strictly prohibits discrimination. No participation shall, on the basis of race, sex, creed, age (excepting those 17 and under, for whom special rules and policies may apply), national origin, disability, or sexual orientation, be denied equal access to programs, activities, services or benefits, or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, advantage or opportunity.

Click here to read the Eligibility for Program Participation section of the Park District procedural manual

Click here to read the Transgender Patrons and Participants section of the Park District procedural manual

The Glenview Park District invites adults and children with disabilities to register for programs listed here. The Glenview Park District strives to serve individuals with disabilities through facility accessibility, program inclusion and communication devices. If you would like more information on integration opportunities, please contact our office at 847 657 3215.

A lost and found for the Glenview Park District is maintained at the Park Center, 2400 Chestnut Ave. Items not claimed within 30 days will be donated to a charitable organization.

Photos and videos are periodically taken of people participating in Park District programs and activities. All persons registering for Park District programs/activities, or using Park District property thereby agree that any photograph or videotape taken by the Park District may be used by the Park District for promotional purposes including its promotional videotapes, brochures, flyers and other publications without additional prior notice or permission and without compensation to the participant.

The Glenview Park District will make every effort to avoid scheduling the following on a religious holiday: the first meeting of a class, a registration deadline, a major youth social event or a general interest public hearing or meeting. Should a conflict occur, those individuals affected will be offered the option of attending a session of the same program on a different day as a make-up, or receive a prorated refund of the series fee for the session missed.

Smoking shall be prohibited at all times in all Glenview Park District owned or leased buildings or motorized vehicles. Smoking shall also be prohibited on any grounds within 15 feet of any entrances to Glenview Park District owned or leased buildings or motorized vehicles. In addition, smoking is prohibited in all buildings and in any location on the grounds of The Grove, Flick and Roosevelt Pools, Kent Fuller Air Station Prairie, and Wagner Farm The District also discourages smoking in any playgrounds and sports fields and in any park during organized activities such as special events, concerts and sports tournaments.

Due the historic nature of the buildings and ecological significance of the natural areas at The Grove, the Glenview Park District has adopted a specific policy governing still and video photography at The Grove. In some cases, permits are required and fees must be paid. For detailed information on these guidelines, click here.