Judy Beck Park
Judy Beck Park
Glenview, IL 60025
contact hours

One full-size basketball court.
A quarter mile of walking paths.
Dogs are allowed as long as they are on leashes.
Judy Beck park is located in East Glenview and has a playground, a basketball court, a baseball backstop, and a .25 mile walking path.
In April of 1958, a bond issue of $450,000 was approved, making possible the acquisition and partial development and partial development of a 3.9 acre site on the west bank of the West Fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River which was designated as Riverside Park.
In March of 1962, a bond issue of $685,000 was approved for purposes of park development. During 1962 and 1963, a portion of these funds made possible the addition a building and other improvements at Riverside Park. The Riverside Park building was removed in 1979.
In 1963, the district leased a portion of Central Road at the West Fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River. A footbridge to provide pedestrian access from the east side of the Chicago River to Riverside Park was completed in 1964.
In 1970, a general obligation bond issue of $214,000 was passed, a portion of which paid for general security lighting of Riverside Park.
In 1979 a study was completed to determine the use and condition of a small building on the site. Prior to the lease of Rugen School for community center and senior center use, this building was used by the senior club as its main program facility. As a result of the study, the facility was demolished in 1981.
In 2002, the playground at Riverside Park was renovated as part of the district’s capital replacement program.
In 2011, Riverside Park was renamed Judy Beck Park, to honor long-time Glenview Park Board commissioner Judy Beck upon her retirement from the board after 32 years of service.
In 2012, the playground structure at Beck Park was renovated as part of the park district capital replacement program adding shaded areas, new climbing components and rubberized areas.