our history
In July 1927, the Glenview Park District was formed as a distinct governmental unit with its own mission: to acquire open space for parks and to develop recreational opportunities for the people it serves.
The first Board of Park Commissioners had five members who not only wrote much of the established policy that is laid today, but also did most of the day-to-day work of the Park District.
Throughout its existence, the park district has been acquiring park land, expanding its spaces, and building more opportunities for the residents of Glenview to foster a sense of community.
Today, the Glenview Park District serves more than 63,000 residents including all of Glenview and Golf, small portions of Niles, Northbrook, Northfield and Skokie and unincorporated areas beyond the village limits. Our facilities and programs are open to all.

Programming Through the Decades
The first program offered was created by damming up the river to allow ice skating
Roosevelt Pool was frozen over and used for ice skating in the winter. This practice was discontinued in the mid-fifties due to leaking in the major pool tank. Early adult classes in dancing, basketball, ping pong, tumbling, boxing, volleyball, woodwork, millinery, sewing, art, music, metal craft and plastics were held in Roosevelt Community Building.
A variety of youth programs were offered throughout schools and field houses in support of a philosophy of offering programming in local neighborhoods. The first senior citizens club was founded.
Our first regular day camp was offered at Sleepy Hollow Park. Summer outdoor movies were a hit at Flick Park. The Pit – a teenage night club – was held in the Glenview Park Golf Club basement. The Park District began oversight of the Glenview 4th of July festivities.
The Glenview Theatre Guild began presenting annual performances of popular Broadway musicals, the first Grove Folk Fest was held at The Grove.
The Glenview Concert Band was founded.
Park Center opened to the public in 2001, Community Park West opened as the District’s premier sports field park in 2002 in response to the explosive growth of youth sports during the 1990s, Glenview Clovers 4-H Club is formed in 2004.
The first paddle tennis leagues were formed.