comprehensive master plan

In November 2016, the Glenview Park District began work on a comprehensive master plan to establish a framework for future decision-making. At the January 2018 Board Meeting, the Glenview Park District Board of Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the completed report titled Charting Our Future: A 10-Year Plan for the Glenview Park District.

Creating a 10-Year Master Plan

Together, we’ve charted our future!

This 10-year plan is the roadmap to the Glenview Park District’s responsible and continual improvement of our parks and recreation systems and services. We listened attentively, and are thrilled by the community’s part in helping shape this vision along with the implementation plans.

The Glenview Park District’s last comprehensive master plan was developed in 1982, and laid the foundation for the successful parks and recreation system we enjoy today.

This 2018-2028 plan reveals that our community is evolving, our needs are changing, our infrastructure is aging, and recreation trends are shifting. Residents remain adamant that the Park District continues to care for our prized park system, meet today’s recreation demands, and remain relevant into the future.

We believe Charting our Future accurately addresses the Glenview Park District’s current agenda and future position in the community. Better yet, this plan is a living-document that will be updated regularly to achieve the targeted-objectives in a fiscally responsible manner, and the Action Plan defines how we’ll do it.

The implementation of the plan will follow our Park District’s Mission, Vision, and Guiding Principles including the incorporation of sustainable practices for both our operations and park and facility improvements. Sustainable practices, such as the use of recyclable materials, energy efficient building systems, stormwater treatment, and native plantings will be at the forefront of capital development and replacement planning where appropriate.

As the strategies and Action Plan unfold, the objectives will advance until the plan is accomplished. If funding becomes more challenging than anticipated, the timing of the objectives may shift, as we are committed to the sustainable future that you, and our plan, prescribes.

As our leadership team delivers key-improvements to our community, please provide ongoing feedback, which we will incorporate as the plan advances and evolves.

We’re excited for our collective future, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to high-quality parks and recreation. We appreciate your partnership and are grateful for the trust you’ve placed in us, the Glenview Park District.

Thank you for your help, and we’ll see you at the park.

Robert Patton

Park Board President, 2017-2018

Glenview Park District