2018 bond proposal information
Voters Approved Downsized Park District Bond Measure on March 20, 2018
A 29-member Citizen Task Force was made up of Glenview community leaders and business leaders… each one residing in Glenview between two and 42 years. Task force members agreed to attend four meetings over several months, and go over a lot of heavy reading material to understand the full scope of the projects being considered. The process was run by a third-party and the first meeting was held August 22, 2017.
Members were tasked with presenting a recommendation to the park district board of commissioners. This recommendation included whether or not we should go to referendum for the proposed projects, which projects should be included, and how much we should ask for. The third party conducted community wide research while the park district provided informational meetings and collected feedback
Ultimately, the task force reduced the original bond proposal from $24 million to $17 million, enabling the park district to move forward with much-needed renovations at the 44-year old ice center, but without the bells and whistles many taxpayers thought unnecessary. Among the items cut was an outdoor bathroom at Sleepy Hollow Park. Because community feedback showed a real desire for this, the task force asked the District to find funding elsewhere, and the District did. The outdoor bathroom was constructed and opened October 2018 with funds from other sources.
Click here for Sleepy Hollow press release.
referendum approved projects
The Glenview Park District placed a $17 million referendum on the March 20, 2018 ballot to address improvements to The Grove, renovate the 44-year old Glenview Ice Center, and create an open space fund. The following are additional project details:

the grove
view improvements
glenview community ice center
view improvements
open space
view improvementsapproval process
The tax impact for a home valued at $500,000 is estimated at $35.69 per year. The referendum was placed on the March 20, 2018 ballot and Glenview Park District residents overwhelmingly voted yes. The bond will pay for improvements to The Grove, Ice Center renovation, and create a $1 million fund for open space purchases.
Com Ed delivered our new transformer and NICOR installed the new gas service. Crews backfilled the storm trap which was completed this month. The Village of Glenview Appearance Commission issued a certificate of appropriateness for the site lighting, landscaping and monument sign. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency issued a sanitary permit which allows the site sanitary sewer to be replaced and to discharge into an existing sanitary sewer tributary. The installation of a melting pit for Rink A was completed. Masonry work enclosed the current sheet of ice and began on the locker rooms. The saw cut has been completed for the curb cut onto Hospital Drive. Concrete slabs for the mechanical room and the team rooms were poured.
The first floor office space and volunteer workspace are both coming along. Work continued throughout the building’s infrastructure on the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire sprinkler system. A new opening and structure was created for the new fish tank installation. The concrete pads were poured for the generator, condensing units and new electrical transformer.
Finished installation of the underground storm sewer pipes and began the right turn lane from Northbound Milwaukee Avenue. Trees are being planted and seeding of natural areas will follow. The initial phase for the four west parking lot’s LANDLOCK® paving is complete. Landlock is an organic polymer that binds our existing recycled asphalt to a hard surface.
Over the last month, we have been able to finish the installation of the Storm Trap Detention System. This is one of the largest storm traps our construction team has ever seen and will benefit both the Park District and the Village of Glenview’s fire station. Foundation work for the studio rink is underway. We have been gathering materials for the perimeter of Rink A and the footings are now poured. In addition, the Mansard siding has been removed, changing the look of the remaining structure.
New glulam beams and columns were set as work on interior framing and finishes continued this month. The walls are now up for the Director’s Office and Volunteer workroom. Rough-in plumbing has been completed in the women’s restroom, and we are continuing the rough-in of plumbing, electric and HVAC throughout the building. We are also beginning work on the new fire sprinkler system. In addition, a new sump pit system is in place.
We will soon begin widening the front entrance and drive. The parking lot will be resurfaced using a material called LANDLOCK® Landlock is an organic polymer that will be used to bind our existing recycled asphalt to a hard surface. Once it’s in place, we will stripe it. The earth work in the detention basin continues, with final shaping and detail work to be completed.
This month, we received a foundation permit from the Village of Glenview and began to pour the foundation. We have ground out the asphalt for the parking lot. Work is also underway on the storm water traps for storm water management that we will share with the Village. This is part of the land swap with the fire station that saves both government entities money.
Work is underway on plumbing, HVAC, air conditioning, electrical upgrades and the fire & sprinkler systems. We are also installing new water tanks for the new life support system for the animals and their habitats. We have completed the structural reinforcements for the new turtle island exhibit. The glulam columns and beams that will support the second floor are being installed. The ComEd transformer pad installation was completed. We also upgraded the size of the sump pit to better handle the rain water.
Demolition of the site is now complete. The village granted permits for the site grading and the site utility and work on both is proceeding.
Completing demolition of fixtures and equipment inside the space so we can start new construction later this week. We will be doing the rough in for electrical, plumbing and HVAC, and start rough in for the brand new fire sprinkler system.
Commissioners also approved a new turtle island exhibit which will consist of turtle habitat, water snake tanks, kestrel habitat and tunnels for children and adults. This specialized work will be completed by Cemrock, an exhibit company out of Tucson, Arizona.
Commissioners awarded the project to low bidder Lenny Hoffman Excavation, Inc. of Wilmette, Illinois in the amount of $848,368. This contract amount removed tree planting and boardwalk installation to save money on the overall project. District staff will self-perform both of these items. Work is expected to begin in early July.
The official groundbreaking ceremony was held May 11. Bid results for bid release III were presented and reviewed at the May 23 Park Board meeting. Commissioners have authorized construction manager W.B. Olson to commence the full construction phase. This includes the scope of work for 23 trade packages.
Park board commissioners set the guaranteed maximum price for the Glenview Community Ice Center at $26,211,428.
The Grove will acquire an additional 1.56 acres of land through a donation by Life Storage Corporation. This acquisition will bring the total acreage at The Grove to 152.23 acres. The closing for this additional land will take place in early June.
We received a total of 34 bids for 16 bid packages, including but not limited to: demolition, carpentry, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, flooring and painting. Construction manager Frederick Quinn Corporation reviewed all bids. The Park Board of Commissioners approved the qualified low bids, totaling $1,103,890. The Board also approved the guaranteed maximum price for the project, which is set at $1,392,601 minus the exhibits. The project will officially kick off on June 10, and is scheduled to be substantially completed by October 1.
This project is currently out to bid. Bids for this project will be opened on May 30. Staff and the project engineer will be taking the bids to the Museum and Historical Preservation Committee for review in June. The anticipated start of this project is scheduled for July.
The Park District approved a temporary construction easement agreement with the Trustees of Schools of Township 42 North.
The Park District entered into an agreement with GEOCON Professional Services for technical services including testing and inspection for the following areas: footing and subgrade testing and inspection, soil compaction testing, concrete testing and monitoring, structural steel testing and inspection, asphalt testing and inspection, sprayed-on-fireproofing inspection and testing and masonry.
Mobilization of the construction site will begin the week of April 29 with demolition work beginning in early May.
The final FREE public skate will be held from 6-8pm on Sunday, May 6. The groundbreaking ceremony and celebration is scheduled for May 11 at 10am.
The Park District has acquired an additional 3.04 acres of open space after purchasing two parcels of land at 1500 and 6500 Portage Run. Funding for the $660,000 purchase was provided by The Grove Heritage Association which donated $380,000, an LWCF grant which covered $280,000 and the District which covered the balance.
The Park District is accepting bids for the Interpretive Center renovations for Bid Package #2. Sealed bids are being accepted through May 10 at 2 p.m.
Staff presented the board with a new logo for the Glenview Community Ice Center. It was designed to focus on the family aspect of the ice center. It has a modern look to match the new building and emphasize the community aspect of the facility.
The Park District received four proposals for a construction manager at risk, awarding the contract to Frederick Quinn Corporation of Addison. The Park District has worked with them in the past on Park & Facility Services East and West projects.
Williams Architects, the AT Group and W.B. Olson representatives presented an update on the site and building designs. These designs take into account proposed project savings that continue to meet the facility needs illustrated during the referendum process. Bids received for both Bid Release #1 and Bid release #2 were nearly a million dollars below the estimated budget. This includes scope of work, ice systems, site utilities, site demolition, building demolition, site electrical, asphalt, paving and site concrete. Bid Release #3 is expected to be released in mid-April and opened in May. Due to a slight expansion of the entryway, locker rooms and inclusion of a full-service restaurant, construction costs are estimated at about $400,000 over budget, it’s important to note approximately $2 million of the remaining budget is for contingency. The owner’s rep said we will continue to look for cost savings as construction plans are finalized.
The overriding goals for the project are to bring the project in on budget and within our target timeline. We are currently on schedule to break ground in May.
Front Entrance-The project team from Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. presented an updated design to the board. The board then voted to authorize staff to solicit bids for The Grove Entrance Improvements Project. We are currently on schedule for construction to take place during the summer/fall of 2019. The timeline remains fluid, due to the permitting process.
Interpretive Center-The project team from Wight & Company, Bluestone and the AT Group presented an updated design to the board. The board then voted to authorize staff to solicit bids for The Grove Interpretive Center Improvements. We are currently on schedule for construction to take place from May through October 2019. The timeline remains fluid, due to the permitting process.
The project team began going out for bids this month on the Ice Systems Package. Bids will go out in late January for the Design Development phase. In continuing with the permitting process, we anticipate going before the Village Zoning Board of Appeals on February 4.
Front Entrance…
-The Village’s Planning Commission gave its approval to it at a meeting on January 8.
-The Village’s Appearance Commission gave preliminary approval to it at a meeting on January 9.
Interpretive Center…
-The Museum and Historic Preservation Committee met this month. They are still in the design process.
1. In early December, we sold 501 (c)3 bonds related to the referendum. We went with a 13 year bond instead of a 20 year bond. This will ultimately save taxpayers $3.4 million in interest.
2. The Grove Front Entrance: Glenview Park District staff went before the Village of Glenview’s Environmental Review Committee for permitting purposes. The ERC passed it. It now moves on to the Village’s Planning Commission and Appearance Commission.
3. The Grove Interpretive Center: We have secured a construction manager – Frederick Quinn Corporation. We are now finalizing plans and the budget and working on preliminary designs for the exhibits.
4. The Ice Center: The Glenview Park District Project Team went before the Village’s Planning Commission and Appearance Commission this month and received conditional approval to proceed with the design and development phase. The next step will be to go before the Village Zoning Board of Appeals and the Village’s full Board of Trustees.
The Grove – Front entrance
We are waiting to hear back on a grant we submitted for from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. We anticipated a decision being made on Nov. 1, but MWRD asked us for more information about the timing of the project and now we’re waiting for their determination.
The Grove – Interpretive Center
The project team is continuing to work on the building and exhibit designs.
Williams Architects is exploring energy-efficient opportunities for the design of the Glenview Community Ice Center. Among those being looked at: natural daylighting through the strategic placement of windows, energy-efficient mechanical and lighting systems, and heat recovery which captures sources of heat in the building and shares them elsewhere in the building.
The updated design renderings show an increase of 2400 GSF to the overall size of the building. The majority of this increase comes from the inclusion of a full-service restaurant which will serve food, beer and wine. Preliminary designs included a total of 700 GSF for concessions and a grab and go café on the first floor. Updated designs have a total of 2100 GSF which includes a second floor restaurant, first floor grab and go, and food prep/storage. Additions in square footage have also been made to the lobby and main corridor for better flow of foot traffic, and to the multi-purpose room.
The permitting process with the village has not yet been completed, so all plans are subject to change.
1. The Grove – Interpretive Center
We are in the early planning stages with the architect and exhibit designer.
2. The Grove – Front entrance
We are presently working to share information about The Grove project with the village’s various departments including Building and Zoning, Engineering, Health and Fire which will ultimately review the plans and share any feedback for the permitting process.
3. The Ice Center –Schematic floor plans are continuing to be refined. After reviewing options for the ProShop, the board of commissioners has decided to move forward on incorporating a 1,000 square foot, full service ProShop which is larger compared with the present-day 700 square foot ProShop.
The Park District board last night took steps in the referendum-approved improvements to The Grove.
- Architectural firm Wight & Company has been approved to assist in planning for safety enhancements and improvements at The Grove Interpretive Center. The project will include creating new exhibits, renovating the HVAC system, and adding a fire alarm and suppression system. The contract for these services was approved at $257,000.
- The AT Group of Park Ridge has been approved for program management/owners representative services for The Grove Interpretive Center improvements project. We have a long-standing history with AT Group in performing the role of representation, negotiation, management and administrative services during design, construction and post-construction phases. The AT Group has assisted the Glenview Park District with prior projects including the building of Park Center, Park & Facility Services East and the Administration Building. The contract for these services was approved at $30,000.
As this planning and preparing phase of the Glenview Community Ice Center renovation project continues, we are currently:
- Working with our architects, construction manager and staff to refine preliminary timelines and designs
- Preparing documents and submitting applications to the village.
- We are also in the early stages of working with William Architects on the schematic design.
- We anticipate the project being bid early 2019 and we hope to break ground in the late Spring of 2019.
This first phase of the Glenview Community Ice Center renovation project is all about planning and preparing. With the referendum approved this spring, we are focusing our present efforts on drafting internal timelines. This includes looking at and working with our design engineers, construction manager and staff. An important next step is to secure construction project permits with the village and we are preparing those permit requests. We are also in the very preliminary stages of working with the architect on the schematic design of the projects.
Under Committees Reports & Recommendations of Special Revenue Facilities, the Glenview Park Board of Commissioners approved agreements with W.B. Olson Inc. of Northbrook, Williams Architects of Itasca and the AT Group Inc. of Park Ridge. These three firms will assist the park district in the Glenview Community Ice Center renovation project as follows, but please note that bids will still be distributed for the construction projects themselves:
W.B. Olson Inc. will provide Construction Manager At-Risk services for the project, which covers the preconstruction phase, setting and submission of the Guaranteed Maximum Price Proposal and Construction phase for the renovation of the Glenview Community Ice Center. The role of the Construction Manager is to evaluate the project, provide cost estimates and then guarantee it won’t exceed that amount, even if that means the C.M. will take a loss. The C.M. also will oversee the construction and deal directly with contractors.
Williams Architects will provide architectural design of the renovated Glenview Community Ice Center. Williams drew up the floor plans for both the first floor and second floors of the proposed renovation presented on our website. The estimated cost in the preliminary proposal was $2,196,105.
AT Group Inc. is to serve as Owner’s Representative. The Glenview Park District has a long-standing history with AT Group in performing this role for various projects, including the building of Park Center, Community Park West and the Administration Building. AT Group will provide representation, negotiation, management and administrative services during the design, construction, and post-construction phases of the Glenview Community Ice Center renovation project. The design phase services will consist of 14 services: orientation & analysis, project organization, budget development, schedule development, team assembly, general admin, consultant admin, cost & progress reporting, value engineering, permit coordination, utility coordination, bidding/subcontractor admin, bidding/proposal admin and contract negotiation.
The park district does not have any firm dates for construction-related plans at this time.
Glenview Park District voters approved a $17 million bond measure Tuesday that will fund improvements to Glenview’s historic landmark The Grove, the renovation of the 44-year-old Glenview Ice Center, and purchase of open space for park purposes.
The park district would like to thank the thousands of district residents who participated in our community opinion survey and outreach meetings, especially the Citizen Task Force members who volunteered their time over several months to define a proposal that taxpayers would support.
“We are grateful to our taxpayers for their support of this important funding measure. The end result will be recreation facilities that are safer and more secure, energy efficient, more accessible for persons with disabilities, and positioned to better meet the needs of our district residents for generations to come,” said Glenview Park District Executive Director, Mike McCarty.
As the park district moves forward with construction, all spending from the voter-approved bond issue will be publicly disclosed on the district’s website.