Glenview Park District Plans to Build a New Neighborhood Park

The Glenview Park District today announced the Park Board of Commissioners has approved the purchase of a 1.1-acre parcel of land from Avoca School District. The property transfer will continue the Park District’s implementation of its 10-year comprehensive master plan that serves as a strategic roadmap to guide facility improvements, programming updates, budgeting and the expansion of parks and open space. In accordance with the master plan, the Park District aims to transform the acquired land, which currently includes a rental house on Hunter Road, into a neighborhood park with nature playground elements and walking paths for local residents.

“It’s central to our mission as a park district to protect public land and promote the development of green spaces,” said Michael McCarty, Glenview Park District Executive Director. “Transforming this property into an outdoor park allows us to further enrich the community by improving residents’ access to nature, which is a key part of our master plan.”

The development of a park will protect more than 60 healthy and mature trees that are currently located on the land. An assessment of the trees showed incredible diversity – 18 different species – and included a total of 23 oak trees of three varieties. Eleven of these oak trees are estimated to be older than the park district itself, ranging from 100 to 150 years old.

To purchase the property, the Park District will use a portion of its $1 million Open Space Fund created in 2018 after voters approved a referendum supporting Park District improvements. The proposed neighborhood park would not only further beautify the Glenview community but also offer residents numerous physical and mental health benefits including reduced stress, improved sleep and overall health, enhanced children’s brain development and increased air quality. Additionally, Avoca West Elementary would be able to use the space for extended learning opportunities for students.

“While maintaining this property no longer aligns with our school mission, we wanted to make sure it remains a community resource and maintain its natural setting by preserving trees and other elements,” said Dr. Kaine Osburn, Avoca School District 37 Superintendent. “We’re grateful to partner with the Glenview Park District in this property transfer and look forward to seeing the land become an open space that families and students can enjoy.”

On September 29, community members gathered for a meeting at Avoca West Elementary School to discuss the purchase and plans for the outdoor space concept, including the removal of the rental house. Many of the 44 residents present expressed support and excitement for the new park.