park board

The Glenview Park District is governed by a seven-member Board of Commissioners.

These dedicated individuals come from a variety of backgrounds, serve without compensation, and are directly responsible to the electorate. Each Glenview Park District Board Commissioner serves a six-year term. Elections to fill two or three of the seven positions are held every two years during a Consolidated Election. Any resident of the Glenview Park District who meets the requirements set forth by the Cook County Board of elections is eligible to run for a seat on the park board.

Cathy Basic


Member Since 2021 (term expires April 2027)

William Casey

Vice President

Member since 2003 (term expires April 2027)

Jen Adams


Member Since 2023 (term expires April 2029)

Dave Dillon


Member since 2015 (term expires April 2027)

Joseph Sullivan


Member since 2019 (term expires April 2025)

Dave Tosh


Member since 2013 (term expires April 2025)

Kimberly Vazquez


Member since 2023 (term expires April 2029)

other key board members


Derke Price

Member since February 2020


Laura Price

Member since October 2022

meetings, agendas and minutes


2400 Chestnut Ave.
Glenview, IL 60026

Regularly scheduled meetings of the Glenview Park District Board of Commissioners are held on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at Park Center, unless otherwise noted. Meeting dates are subject to change by action of the Board of Commissioners. Special or Emergency Meetings may be scheduled in addition to regular meetings. Notice of these meetings will be posted on this website and in the lobbies of park district facilities and sent to local news media. Agendas will be posted 48 hours prior to meetings, as required by the State of Illinois Open Meetings Act.

park board frequently asked questions

The Glenview Park District maintains this website with background on the district, current programs, and meeting agendas. A file of background material for the meetings is available at the park district Administrative Office and at the Glenview Public Library. For information on upcoming park district events and programs, residents can subscribe to the park district’s e-newsletter or follow the park district on social media (click the icons found at the top left of this page to find us on social media).

The Glenview Park District produces a seasonal program guide which is available digitally on our homepage. The seasonal program guide is also mailed out to all residents of the district four times a year in February, May, July, and November. There are also bulletin boards at each park district facility to alert the public to upcoming events.

The public can write the park district at 1930 Prairie St. or send email inquiries to The public is also invited to attend the monthly Glenview Park District public board meetings. Anyone interested in making comments or asking questions at a regular park board or park board committee meeting should indicate this by signing a comment card, available at each meeting, and indicating that you would like to speak or have your comment read. 

Agenda items are introduced by the Park District Committee Chair with background information presented by the committee members and staff. Committee reports on action are considered a seconded motion. Any items for which there are public comment cards will be addressed and the public called on following Commissioner discussion. Once all public comments have been addressed, the discussion will return to the Commissioner level for any additional discussion, motion adjustment and formal action.

While the Park Board values the opportunity to hear and consider public comments, it does not normally respond to audience comments at its meeting. A question or request may be accepted and answered at a later meeting, and if so, the individual or organization initiating the question or request will be notified of the date and time of the meeting. In some cases, the District administration will follow up with answers either via email or a phone call.

As open public meetings, there is press coverage of the monthly business meetings. A “Meeting Highlights” summary report of actions taken is produced as soon as possible following each meeting. It can be found online, in the file at the park district office and at the Library. An archive of meeting agendas, highlights and minutes are also available on this website. Park Board meetings are audio or video recorded and made available to the public by request, as provided by law.